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ESG Metrics and Indicators

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02 General Disclosures2-1: Name of the organizationBlackbaud 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K​
2-2: Entities included in the organization’s​ sustainability reporting​Blackbaud 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K​
2-3: Reporting period, frequency and ​contact point​Blackbaud's ESG report is published on an annual basis generally after the release of our Blackbaud 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K​ and our 2024 Proxy Statement​ as so much information is housed in these documents.​

2-4: Restatements of information​n/a​
2-5: External assurance​Blackbaud's ESG Report was not external assured, however, the report did go through our standard internal audit and disclosure controls and procedure.
2-6: Activities, value chain, and other​ business relationships​Blackbaud 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K​, 2024 Proxy Statement​
2-7: Employees​Our Human Capital data can be found in our 2023 ESG Report​
2-8: Workers who are not employeesOur Human Capital data can be found in our 2023 ESG Report​
2-9: Governance structure and composition​Our Board of Directors oversees the company’s governance programs, processes, and commitment, while our Executive Leadership Team is charged with implementation, management, and daily oversight. Our guiding governance principles can be found in our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics of Blackbaud, Code of Ethics for CEO and Senior Financial Officers, Code of Business Conduct and Ethics for Suppliers and Business Partners, Corporate Governance Guidelines, and the charters of the various committees of our Board of Directors. These principles provide the building blocks for the many specific policies and procedures by which we operate daily. We are proud of our strong governance and compliance culture and are committed to best practices throughout our organization.​

Blackbaud 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K​
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics of Blackbaud​
Corporate Governance Guidelines
2-10: Nomination and selection of the​ highest governance body​Corporate Governance Guidelines​​; 2024 Proxy Statement​​; Charter of Nominating and Governance Committee​
2-11: Chair of the highest governance body​Charter of Nominating and Governance Committee​
2-12: Role of the highest governance body ​in overseeing the management of impacts​2024 Proxy Statement​; Corporate Governance Guidelines
2-13: Delegation of responsibility for​ managing impactsCorporate Governance Guidelines​​; 2024 Proxy Statement​; Charter of Nominating and Governance Committee​
2-14: Role of the highest governance body​ in sustainability reporting​Charter of Nominating and Governance Committee​; ESG Steering Team Charter​
2-15: Conflicts of interest​Code of Business Conduct and Ethics of Blackbaud​
2-16: Communication of critical concerns​Code of Business Conduct and Ethics of Blackbaud​
2-17: Collective knowledge of the highest​ governance body2024 Proxy Statement​
2-18: Evaluation of the performance of the​ highest governance body​2024 Proxy Statement​
2-19: Remuneration policies​2024 Proxy Statement​
2-20: Process to determine remuneration​2024 Proxy Statement​
2-21: Annual total compensation ratio​2024 Proxy Statement​
2-22: Statement on sustainable development​ strategy​Sustainability Policy​
2-23: Policy commitments​2023 Blackbaud Impact Report​
2-25: Conflicts of interest​Code of Business Conduct and Ethics of Blackbaud​
2-26: Mechanisms for seeking advice and​ raising concerns​Code of Business Conduct and Ethics of Blackbaud​
2-27: Compliance with laws and regulations​Code of Business Conduct and Ethics of Blackbaud​
2-29: Approach to stakeholder engagement​2023 Blackbaud Impact Report​
3-1 Process to determine material topics​2023 Blackbaud Impact Report​
3-2 List of material topics2023 Blackbaud Impact Report​
3-3 Management of material topics​2023 Blackbaud Impact Report​
301 Materials301-1: Materials used by weight or volume​2023 Blackbaud Impact Report​
301-2: Recycled input materials used​2023 Blackbaud Impact Report​
301-3: Reclaimed products and their packaging materials​2023 Blackbaud Impact Report​
302 Energy302-1: Energy consumption within the organization​2023 Blackbaud Impact Report​
302-2: Energy consumption outside of the organization​2023 Blackbaud Impact Report​
302-3: Energy intensity​2023 Blackbaud Impact Report​
302-4: Reduction of energy consumption​2023 Blackbaud Impact Report​
302-5: Reductions in energy requirements of ​products and services​2023 Blackbaud Impact Report​
303 Water and Effluents303-1: Interactions with water as a shared resource​n/a​
303-2: Management of water discharge-related ​impacts​n/a​
303-3: Water withdrawal​n/a​
303-4: Water discharge​n/a​
303-5: Water consumption​2023 Blackbaud Impact Report​
304 Biodiversity304-1: Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas​n/a​
304-2: Significant impacts of activities, products, and services on biodiversity​n/a​
304-3: Habitats protected or restored​n/a​
304-4: IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by operations​n/a​
304-1: Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas​n/a​
305 Emissions305-1: Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions​2023 Blackbaud Impact Report​
305-2: Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions2023 Blackbaud Impact Report​
305-3: Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions​2023 Blackbaud Impact Report​
305-4: GHG emissions intensity​2023 Blackbaud Impact Report​
305-5: Reduction of GHG emissions​2023 Blackbaud Impact Report​
305-6: Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS)​n/a​
305-7: Nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur oxides (SOX), and other significant air emissions​n/a​
306 Effluents and Waste306-1: Water discharge by quality and destination​n/a​
306-2: Waste by type and disposal method​n/a​
306-3: Significant spills​n/a​
306-4: Transport of hazardous waste​n/a​
306-5: Water bodies affected by water discharges and/or runoff​n/a​
307 Environmental Compliance307-1: Non-compliance with environmental laws ​and regulations​n/a​


Reference  CY2023
SASB TC-SI-130a.1 (1) Total Energy Consumed, (2) Percentage Grid Electricity, (3) Percentage Renewable Scope 1:
1,745 therms of gas = 9 metric tons of CO2e; 9 carbon removal offsets procured to neutralize Scope 1 emissions​

Scope 2:
1,891 MWh (137 MWh from on-site solar) = 581 metric tons of CO2e location-based emissions; 2,102 RECs procured to neutralize Scope 2 emissions (for 0 metric tons of CO2e market-based emissions & 100% renewable electricity)

Scope 3:
Purchased Goods and Services = 15,728.1 metric tons of CO2e; 15,728.1 offsets procured​
Capital Goods = 357 metric tons of CO2e; 357 offsets procured​
Fuel and Energy = 38 metric tons of CO2e; 38 offsets procured​
Waste-related emissions = 19 metric tons of CO2e; 19 offsets procured​
Business travel = 144 metric tons of CO2e; 144 offsets procured​
Employee commuting = 116 metric tons of CO2e; 116 carbon removal offsets procured​
Employees working from home = 912 metric tons of CO2e; 912 offsets procured
SASB TC-SI-130a.2  (1) Total Water Withdrawn (2) Total Water Consumed, Percentage of each in Regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress  6,684 M3 used at Charleston HQ office for water & sewer; 2,294 M3 used for Charleston HQ irrigation
SASB TC-SI-130a.3  Discussion of the Integration of Environmental Considerations Into Strategic Planning for Data Center Needs  Blackbaud does not currently own and operate data centers. Our operations are strategically dispersed in collocated data centers (COLOs) as well as with cloud service providers. We work closely with our providers on ways to measure and improve our energy footprint.
SASB TC-SI-220a.1  Policies and Procedures Relating to Behavioral Advertising and User Privacy  Blackbaud Privacy Policy
SASB TC-SI-220a.2  Number of Users Whose Information is Used for Secondary Purposes  Blackbaud Privacy Policy
SASB TC-SI-220a.3  Monetary Losses as a Result of Legal Proceedings Associated with User Privacy.  Personal data for which Blackbaud is the data controller is used in accordance with our privacy policy. Blackbaud does not use customers’ constituent data consisting of personal data for purposes other than as stated in the BSA.
SASB TC-SI-220a.4  (1) Number of Law Enforcement Requests for User Information, (2) Number of Users whose Information was Requested, (3) Percentage Resulting in Disclosure  0
SASB TC-SI-220a.5  Countries Where Core Products Are Subject to Government Monitoring or Censoring  0
SASB TC-SI-230a.1  (1) Number of data breaches, (2) percentage involving personally identifiable information (PII), (3) number of users affected  Blackbaud 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K​
SASB TC-SI 330a.3  Percentage of Gender and Racial/Ethnic Group Representation for (1) Management, (2) Technical Staff, and (3) All Other Employees 
% Female Employees  48%
% Male Employees  52%
% Female People Managers  49%
% Male People Managers  51%
% Females in Tech Roles  32%
% Males in Tech Roles  68%
% White  78%
% Underrepresented Minority  22%
% White People Managers84%
% Underrepresented Minority People Managers  16%
% White in Tech Roles  75%
% Underrepresented Minority in Tech Roles  25%
SASB TC-SI 330a.1% Employees in U.S.  85%
% Employees Outside U.S.  15%
SASB TC SI 300a.2  Employee Engagement  Our annual survey was distributed in March 2023. The survey results were shared with employees via a series of workshops and meetings followed by a pulse survey. ​

We achieved 91% employee participation in the annual survey and 83% participation in the follow-up pulse survey.
SASB TC-SI-520a.1Total Amount of Monetary Losses as a Result of Legal Proceedings Associated with Anticompetitive Behavior Regulations  $0
SASB TC-SI-550a.2  Commitment to Business Continuity and Risks Related to Operations Disruptions  Blackbaud 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K​; ​

2024 Proxy Statement​


Recommended DisclosuresResponse/Comment
Governancea) Describe the board’s oversight of climate-related risks and opportunities.Blackbaud’s CEO and the Board of Directors Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee oversee ESG and climate-related risks. In 2023, Blackbaud also had an ESG Steering Team chaired by the Sr. Director Workplace Strategy and comprised of designated members from Blackbaud’s leadership team. The Team engaged with stakeholders to determine priorities and was responsible for ensuring they were adopted throughout the company. The Team was accountable to the Executive Sponsor, Blackbaud’s CEO.
b) Describe management’s role in assessing and managing climate-related risks and opportunities.Blackbaud’s CEO, the Board of Directors Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee, and the ESG Steering Team oversee the implications of sustainability issues and climate change. These committees consider the implications of climate change for the business and oversee the company’s strategic planning of resources and investments in response to the risk and opportunities that might arise.
Strategya) Describe the climate-related risks and opportunities the organization has identified over the short, medium, and long term.​
b) Describe the impact of climate-related risks and opportunities on the organization’s businesses, strategy, and financial planning.
We are in the process of evaluating both the risks and opportunities of climate change. We have completed a cursory analysis of our risks, but we plan to conduct a more extensive review of these risks in future reports.​

We have not yet completed a scenario analysis to identify opportunities. We hope to conduct a scenario analysis soon.​

For our initial risk review, we have identified climate-related risks and opportunities that may affect us over the short, medium, and long term. These include:​

Physical Risks: The long-term effects of climate change on the global economy and our industry may impact our business operations and those of our suppliers, customers, and partners. Climate change increases the severity and frequency of extreme weather events such as hurricanes, wildfires, floods, heat waves, or power shortages, all of which could lead to business disruptions. The locations of our principal executive offices and our data centers are vulnerable to the effects of climate events and other natural disasters, including hurricanes, heat waves, and earthquakes, which we have experienced in the past. In addition, the effects of climate change are harder to mitigate for our remote-first workforce, which exposes the Company to business disruption. Even though we carry business interruption insurance policies and typically have provisions in our commercial contracts that protect us in certain events, we might suffer losses as a result of business interruptions that exceed the coverage available under our insurance policies or for which we do not have coverage. Any natural disaster or catastrophic event affecting us could have a significant negative impact on our operations.​

Regulatory Risks: Expected new regulations and standards relating to public disclosure, including those related to climate change, could adversely impose significant costs on us to comply with such regulations.​

Reputation Risks: A failure to meet our climate-related goals, such as our commitment and progress toward reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, could damage our reputation, affect our financial performance, and diminish our ability to attract and retain talent.
c) Describe the resilience of the organization’s strategy, taking into consideration different climate related scenarios, including a 2°C or lower scenario.Blackbaud has not yet performed a detailed scenario analysis. We intend to complete more work in this area in 2024/2025. ​

We plan to evaluate if and where our strategies may be affected by climate-related risks and opportunities, as well as how our strategies might change to address such potential risks and opportunities.
Risk Managementa) Describe the organization’s processes for identifying and​ assessing climate related risks.Blackbaud continues efforts and practice to formally identify and assess climate-related risks. Our goal is to leverage our Executive Leadership Team and ESG Steering Team, along with our Workforce Strategy, Real Estate, and Enterprise Risk Teams, to identify and assess climate-related risks. We plan to conduct more thorough qualitative and quantitative climate-related physical and transition risk and opportunity assessments.
b) Describe the organization’s processes for managing climate related risks.As with other key enterprise risks, climate-related risks will be managed as part of our cross-functional enterprise risk management process that includes our Executive Leadership Team and our Board of Directors through its Risk Committee and Nominating and Governance Committee.​

Additionally, the ESG Steering Team will work closely with our Enterprise Risk Team to consider climate-related risks in connection with developing climate-related goals and operational strategies to achieve our objectives.
c) Describe how processes for​ identifying, assessing, and managing climate related risks are integrated into the organization’s overall risk management.The ESG Steering Team and our Executive Leadership Team will determine how climate risks are integrated in our organization's overall risk management process. The ESG Steering Team meets quarterly to discuss ESG topics, including climate-related risks, opportunities, and strategies to advance our ESG goals. ​

Our Workforce Strategy, Real Estate, and Enterprise Risk Teams traditionally manage physical climate-related risks as part of our Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery functions. This includes extreme weather events and natural disasters. ​

Our Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plans are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure steps are in place to identify and respond before, during, and after a service continuity event.

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